Client testimonials and projects coming soon! For the time being, we have compiled some of the past work of our engineers below, which are all either class or personal projects:


BudE Crash Detection System

  • BudE is a crash detection system designed to keep cyclists safe while in the deep outdoors. It accomplishes this by constantly sensing for crashes, and notifying emergency personnel via satellite communication if someone is unresponsive.




  • lEViathan is an automated EV charger that utilizes a 2 stage wire-operated tentacles mechanism actuated by stepper motor-driven lead screws. A camera system identifies the charge port location and directs lEViathan via a closed loop control.



Smart Fire Extinguisher

  • The Smart Fire Extinguisher is an automated sprinkler system that uses computer vision to spot fires and precisely isolate and extinguish them.



EZPost Composting

  • EZPost is a product that replaces a garbage disposal and separates your waste into a compost bin instead of grinding it up and sending it through the sewer system.



  • A boardless Electric Skateboard designed to get you wherever you’re going, as fast as possible.